Whatever, i don't know how to do ,
to make everything better.
Sometimes feeling sad,  sometimes feeling happy.
But it's life.
life just like game.
you would win,but it's also  bring lose inside.
there have many emotions around life. 
around us . it might make us sad,,joyful .
you'll never miss anyone .

life is short that you can't change ,
life is boring but you can make it more colorful.
life is bullshit .                

Taking all the pains away.
Feeling free now .

but it's so hard to do.
you know what  ? i don't what to work
i just want be free. i don't sell my own time to make money .
when i have to decide one answer between  reality and my ideal life.
People usually chose to give in  reality, why ? 
reality is so strong that no one can defeat it easily
no pain no gain .
you have to pay something that you would receive what you want 
anyway , I'm tired everything.
i hate to sell my own time to make money.
if  i need to make money , then i should to find a job that i like . even enjoy the work , right ?
but i won't give in the life , the reality. Cos' i want to be a winner instead of a loser .
too many thing needs consider.
Facing the true. found the true is so curl , somehow you are scared to face another challenge.
but please don't lose yourself. it's important .
now , i decide to find a new way which is by my own and i'll word hard on it.
to tell the truth .I don't like myself sometimes.
even i hate .
and I'm not a good guy.

trying to make myself better .

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